Rachel Blau DuPlessis: a Translation Proposal
The contribution proposes two of Rachel Blau Du-Plessis’s poems along with their rst Italian translation. The poems were chosen by DuPlessis and translated by Anny Ballardini. The rst one is an excerpt from Writing (1984-1985), while the second is DuPlessis’s celebrated Dra 5: The Gap (August-September 1988). The parallel texts are introduced by a brief explicatory note.
Il contributo propone la prima traduzione italiana di estratti dalle opere della poetessa americana contemporanea Rachel Blau DuPlessis, scelti dall’autrice stessa e tradotti da Anny Ballardini. Il primo estratto è tratto dalla Writing (1984-1985), mentre il secondo estratto è da Dra 5: The Gap (agosto-settembre 1988). La traduzione è preceduta da una breve nota introduttiva.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Benjamin, Walter, A Berlin Chronicle, in Reflections, trans. by Edmund Jephcott, New York, Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1974.
Blaud Duplessis, Rachel, Blue Studios: Poetry and its Cultural Work, in Tuscaloosa (AL), University of Alabama Press, 2006.
Blaud Duplessis, Considering the Long Poem: Genre Problems, in «Readings: Response and Reactions to Poetries» (3 March 2009).
Blaud Duplessis, Dra 5:Gap,in Drafts 1-38, Toll, Middletown (CT), Wesleyan University Press,2001.
Blaud Duplessis, Writing, in TabulaRosa, Elmwood(CT), Poets&Poet,1987.
Bouchard, Daniel, A Little Yod and a Rocking Enormity, in Jacket 2, ed. by Patrick Pritchett, 14 December 2011, jacket2.org/article/little-yod-and-rocking-enormity.
Damon, Maria, Pledge, with Draft Unnumbered Precis; Review of Drafts 39-57, in «How2», ii (2006).
Golding, Alan, Drafts and Fragments: Rachel Blau DuPless’s (counter-) Poundian Project, in Jacket 2, ed. by Patrick Pritchett, 14 December 2011, jacket2.org/article/drafts-and-fragments#1.
Golding, Alan, Macro, Micro, Material: Rachel Blau DuPless , in Blackbox, ed. by Alex Houen and Adam Piette, 2006, www.manifold.group.shef.ac.uk/issue16/AlanGoldingEssayBM16.pdf.
Lazer, Hank, Travelling many direction’d crossings: The Poetry of Rachel Blau DuPless, in Opposing Poetri , Evanston (IL), Northwestern University Press, 1996, vol. ii, ronsilliman.blogspot.it/2004_04_18_archive.html.
Shulman, Naomi, At a Critical/Poetic Boundary, in Jacket 2, ed. by Patrick Pritchett, 14 December 2011, jacket2.org/article/criticalpoetic-boundary.
Silliman, Ron, Silliman’s Blog, http://ronsilliman.blogspot.it/2004_ 04_18_archive.html. (Citato a p. 3.)
Silliman, Ron, Un-scene, ur-new:The History of the Long poem and ‘The Collage Poems of Drafts’, in Jacket 2, ed. by Patrick Pritchett, 17 November 2016, jacket2.org/article/un-scene-ur-new.
Zimmermann, Ros, Incomplete Closur . A Reading of ‘Dra 84: Juncture’ by Rachel Blau DuPless , in «Journal of Poetics Research» (September 2016), poeticsres earch.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/zimmermann-drafts.pdf.
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